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DAMAGED PASSPORT: While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said customs officers were following procedure, the Malaysian deputy prime minister was said to be furious

By Stacy Hsu / Staff reporter

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday downplayed an incident in which a Taiwanese woman was detained for 35 hours by Malaysian customs for traveling with a damaged passport, saying the practice is standard procedure.

The woman, nicknamed Chiao Mei (喬妹), took to Facebook on Saturday last week to share her ordeal, saying that because of some damaged inner pages of her passport she was denied entry and subjected to improper treatment by Malaysian customs after she arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Thursday last week.

“Those pages were torn by Japanese customs when they tried to rip off tax free forms stapled in my passport. Because of that, Malaysian customs officers gave me a hard time, escorting me to an office before confiscating my passport and mobile phone,” Chiao Mei wrote.

She claimed that a male officer also demanded money from her, adding that her refusal to comply resulted in her being locked up for 35 hours before she was finally deported to Taiwan.

Citing as examples of what she called the Malaysian customs’ inhumane treatment of tourists, Chiao Mai said another Taiwanese woman was also detained because she mistakenly showed customs officers the plane ticket from her previous trip to Malaysia, while a Vietnamese woman was slapped in the face by an official over a minor incident.

In response, the ministry said it is part of the standard procedures for Malaysian customs to put tourists who are denied entry in a holding lounge if they cannot board a flight back home on the day of their arrival.

“Nearly 1.5 million passengers pass through Kuala Lumpur International Airport each month. Among them, as many as between 10 and 100 are denied entry every day,” the ministry said, adding that the Malaysian customs’ handling of Chiao Mei was standard procedure rather than personal.

It urged the public to check for any damage to their passport before traveling to avoid being refused admission at the point of entry.

Dato’ Seri Tiong King Sing, the Malaysian prime minister’s special envoy to East Asia, yesterday said on Facebook that Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was furious after hearing about the incident because it could damage the nation’s image and hurt the tourism industry.

He issued a directive for an investigation into the case.

The Taiwanese traveler should not have been detained and should not have had her mobile phone and other belongings confiscated because she was not a criminal, Tiong said, adding that customs officers should not treat passengers from any nations in such an inhumane manner.

In this case, customs officers should have let the Taiwanese woman telephone a friend in Malaysia, contact Taiwan’s representative office or have arranged for her to return to Taiwan as soon as possible, he said.

Additional reporting by CNA


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主打電競配件、周邊的廠商 Razer,除了在年初 CES 展時推出超狂 3 螢概念筆電後,近期又在下一城,推出zVault 電子錢包服務。未來在平台中,藉由儲值或是轉換點數的方式,就能購買遊戲、甚至 Razer 的週邊配件。

Razer zVault 簡單來說就像是一個交易平台,註冊時需要使用 Razer 的 ID,並預先購買(儲值)30、50 美金以上的金額以換取虛擬貨幣。在 zVault 中,虛擬貨幣也分為 zGold 與 zSilver 兩種,但 zSilver 未來雖然會有不一定的優惠換取折扣,但實質上比較像是刷卡集點的額外 Bonus。

▼Razer zVault 共分 zGold 與 zSilver 兩種貨幣,主要的用法也不大相同。(圖/翻攝自 Razer)

首先針對 zGold,在先前以美金換取的虛擬貨幣,全部都會被轉換成 zGold,目前的匯率為 1 美金:100 zGold。而利用 zGold 就能購買如 IndieGala 和 GamersGate 等遊戲商店的相關內容,整體的購物方式其實和 Steam 算是相當類似。

▼zGold 主要是以實體貨幣(美金)更換的主要貨幣,可用在買IndieGala 和 GamersGate 等遊戲商店的相關內容。(圖/翻攝自 Razer)

至於 zSilver,則是藉由每日登入平台、一起玩遊戲,以及基本的購買 zGold 方式換得。在換取 zSilver 後,這些點數就能購買 Razer 旗下的電競配件,或是特定促銷產品,以平台來看,大概有筆電、鍵盤等周邊 20% 折扣、筆電架、背包等配件。

▼zSilver 除了能藉由購買 zGold 獲得外,也能靠登入平台、玩遊戲的方式獲得。(圖/翻攝自 Razer)

▼zSilver 可用於更換筆電、滑鼠與耳機等周邊折扣或是背包等配件。(圖/翻攝自 Razer)

整體來看,目前 Razer ID 總數約有 2,200 萬人以上註冊,對於常常更換週邊配件的重度玩家來說,zVault 可藉由玩遊戲、登入的方式換取優惠,吸引力相當不錯,且官方也指出未來將會推出更多玩法外。為了慶祝上線,目前也有 2,000 zSilver 初始包、限時內加值的 zSilver 與折扣優惠與 30%額外 zGold 等。

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